
We nourish Jewish communities through creating food distributions at local Shuls.

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Impact To Date


900 Families Served


130,000 Boxes Distributed


3 Food Pantries Founded


Our Partners


The generous, ongoing support from our partners makes it possible for us to provide produce for Jewish families in South Florida on a weekly basis.


Ways to Get Involved


Make a donation.


As a 100% volunteer run organization with no salaries and other expenses, and 100% of our food being donated, you can be sure your donation will make a big impact. Every $500 truck and driver sponsorship provides around $30,000 worth of food to Jewish families in South Florida. With your support, we can feed our community members in-need. 





YYY is fully operated on a volunteer basis. We are always looking for volunteers to distribute produce at our volunteer sites, and to join our executive teams. We couldn’t do our work without our volunteers and we are grateful everyday for their support. 

Join our team!


Start a Food Bank


YYY partners with communities nationwide to launch food distribution operations in communities where they had not previously existed.   If you're interested in starting a food bank contact us. YYY offers expertise, resources, and connections that give food banks what they need to create a sustainable food bank for their community.

Learn More

The Backstory


A few short months ago, Covid 19 began its spread throughout the world and this country. Then came the abrupt lockdown which affected many peoples source of livelihood and their ability to provide for the their needs and those of their families.

At that moment in time, the concept of Yad Yosef VeYitzchok - YYY was born. By brainstorming and partnering with existing food banks, a small group of people came together and found ways to distribute large amounts of produce on a weekly basis to many individuals and families in the South Florida Jewish community and beyond.

Yad Yosef VeYitzchok is named after two unique and special people in their own right; Yitzchok Leib Federman and Yosef Yitzchok Zaklos of blessed memory. There is much to say about who they were and the lives they lived respectively. However, they were most similar in the way they exemplified the true meaning of loving their fellow Jew as yourself by selflessly caring and giving of themselves to the people around them. May the efforts of this organization be a blessing to the memory of these special souls.